Asian American Party Affiliation

Do Asian Americans more often identify as Democrats or Republicans?

One 2022 voter survey reported that 44% of Asian Americans as a whole identified as Democrats, 19% as Republicans, and a whopping 35% as independent or unaffiliated. Strength of party identification varied, sometimes widely, by national origin. Indian Americans identified with the Democratic Party over the GOP by a 56-15% rate, compared with Vietnamese Americans who preferred the Republican party to Democrats 31-23%.

Chinese Americans were the most likely to identify as independent or unaffiliated at 47%, which exceeds the preference for the Democratic Party by 5%. A close second are Vietnamese Americans 46% of whom identify as independent or unaffiliated. More Vietnamese Americans identify as independent than affiliate with either party.

Asian American Have Favored the Democrats, with Substantial Differences by Nationality

Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a [category] or in terms of some other party?

Between the two parties, Asian Americans as a whole prefer the Democratic Party to the GOP 44-19% by a margin of 25%. When independents who lean toward one party are included in the totals, the margin improves for Democrats, who are favored 56-26%.

Independent Leaners Favored the Democratic Party

In the 2020 Presidential election, Asian Americans came out strongly for Joe Biden over Donald Trump.

2020 Presidential Election: Biden Chosen Over Trump by Large Margins